- 商品詳細及び注意事項等をよくご覧のうえでご注文ください。
- 国内のお客様におかれましては、ご注文時のオーダーフォームは日本語にてご記載いただけますようお願い申し上げます。
Material : COTTON 100%
28in 30in 32in 34in 胴回 78 80 82 86 股上 28
28 29 29 股下 84 85 85 86 裾周 36 38 40 40 (単位:cm)
- お支払い方法はクレジットカード(VISA / Master / AMEX)によるご決済となります。
- 送料は別途頂戴いたします。数量と重さ、または同梱する商品の有無により変動致しますので、詳細はカート上にてご確認ください。
- ご注文後5~6営業日以内に、日本国内は主にヤマト運輸、日本国外は主にFEDEXにて発送予定です。
- お届け日時のご指定は出来かねますのでご何卒ご了承ください
* The price will be transcription without tax.
* A method of payment will be a settlement by a credit card (VISA / Master / AMEX).
* I'll have shipping charge separately. I'll fluctuate by the quantity and the weight or a presence of bundled goods, so please check it in the cart top for details.
* I'll ship off in Japan to Yamato Transport and Japan oversea in FedEX mainly mainly within 5-6 business days after your order.
* I have a customer bear the customs duties, so please accept it beforehand.
* Designation of report date and time can't be done, so please what a graduate do you consent to?-
また、万一の不良品の場合は、着払いにてご返品後、代替品と交換を致します。但し、ハンドメイド品固有の個体差などは不良品とは認められません。 商品に明らかな欠陥がある場合を除き、返品・交換には応じられませんのでご了承ください。
[Exemption particular when depending on Capa coat of system processing,]
When access concentrated on a short time, and the procedure you buy simultaneously was piled, processing of stock interlocking system doesn't catch up, and purchase procedure is sometimes formed in the terminal top though it's in the sell-out state. It's formal in the case, after the formation you buy reconfirms the system log, we assume that I'll limit to only the buyers until the total stock can be stopped in the order of arrival.
Though it's out of stock by Capa coat of system processing like the above, purchase is sorry truly in formed buyers on the end, but after making a contact, I'll make the repayment prompter than us.
[About returning the goods/exchanging/canceling]
One in case of a defective product is exchanged for an article of good quality after return in cash on delivery or the price is returned. But, the peculiar individual difference can't admit handmade items a defective product. You can't meet the return except for a clear defective case in goods, so please accept it.
When a ski pole of the said goods has disappeared for us even when hoping for an exchange of a defective product, I'll answer with return of the price.